龚海鹏 博士
1993-1997 金沙js4399首页生物科学与技术系 学士
1997-2000 金沙js4399首页生物科学与技术系 硕士
2000-2006 约翰霍普金斯大学分子生物物理学 博士
2006-2007 约翰霍普金斯大学分子生物物理学 博士后
2007-2009 芝加哥大学生物化学和分子生物学 博士后
2009-2014 金沙js4399首页生命学院 助理教授
2015-至今 金沙js4399首页生命学院 副教授
● 研究兴趣、领域:
1. 发展计算机算法根据氨基酸序列预测蛋白质三维结构
2. 发展分子动力学模拟的新方法用于定量分析生物大分子的大尺度构象变化
● 代表性论文:
1. Wenze Ding# and Haipeng Gong*, “Predicting the real-valued inter-residue distances for proteins”, Advanced Science, 7: 2001314, 2020.
2. Juanrong Zhang# and Haipeng Gong*, “Frontier Expansion Sampling: A Method to Accelerate Conformational Search by Identifying Novel Seed Structures for Restart”, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 16(8): 4813-4821, 2020.
3. Wenzhi Mao#, Wenze Ding, Yaoguang Xing, and Haipeng Gong*, “AmoebaContact and GDFold as a pipeline for rapid de novo protein structure prediction”, Nature Machine Intelligence, 2: 25-33, 2020.
4. Tong Wang#, Yanhua Qiao, Wenze Ding, Wenzhi Mao, Yaoqi Zhou*, and Haipeng Gong*, “Improved fragment sampling for ab initio protein structure prediction using deep neural networks”, Nature Machine Intelligence, 1: 347-355, 2019.
5. Meng Ke#, Yafei Yuan, Xin Jiang, Nieng Yan*, and Haipeng Gong*, “Molecular determinants for the thermodynamic and functional divergence of uniporter GLUT1 and proton symporter XylE”, PLoS Computational Biology, 13(6): e1005603, 2017.
6. Ruining Sun# and Haipeng Gong*, “Simulating the activation of voltage sensing domain for a voltage-gated sodium channel using polarizable force field”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 8: 901-908, 2017.
● 联系方式:
Email: hgong@tsinghua.edu.cn
Website: http://structpred.life.tsinghua.edu.cn